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Heaping platefuls

Plates picture by Mike Cogh, Used under Creative Commons license. 

What a busy month+ it’s been for us here at the Clankery. My spouse had a family emergency and which she almost missed out on, but managed to attend and cope with thanks to our wonderful circle of friends who helped chip in with donations of airline miles and other expenses. So she was able to come to terms with her loss. Sort of. We also really appreciate the well wishes everyone has sent us. Intangible support in the form of virtual hugs, prayers or even good thoughts sent our way are really helpful. 

Healing and coming to terms with things will take a while though. Not sure how long, other than as long as it takes. Life goes on.

There are platefuls of other things going on here at the studio (ok, our apartment.) I’ve finished Book 2 of the Space trilogy, and handed it to the First Reader (also my spouse.) She finished in a week or so? And mind you, she’s really been busy during that week. She says the pacing’s different from the first book, and she’s not sure if others will like it. She was definitely moved by (spoiler event near the end) of the book, so much so that she came out to me, tears shining in her eyes, with her sad smile, saying “You just (spoiler) all of (spoilers!) Give me a hug right now before I hurt you!” Hey, free hugs, right? And then of course, the surprise on the last sentence of the book? She actually did come over to me and karate-chop me lightly in the head, the way they do in J-drama and anime.

“Finish book III right now! No pressure!” Right. But I love seeing her smile, and hearing her laugh. There was a while where I wasn’t sure if she was going to smile again. 

Back to the writing. Well. Book III looms in my head, a dark fog filled with tentacles made of plot problems, plot-holes, and loose ends I’ll have to resolve. And oh yes, the gradual shift through the trilogy from the scientifically implausible to the downright absurd fantastical. (Don’t tell anyone, but i think Book III is where the dragons show up. Yes, dragons.) 

Also, the first hundred pages of the prelude book has been sent to a literary agent who asked me to query him via Twitter. ( I think he’s rejected my work since he’s since unfollowed me on Twitter, but we’ll see.) I’ve been editing the prelude book here and there, and it has two beta readers slogging through it. Add to that four or five erotic short stories in various stages from complete to “what the fu-” and maybe a post apocalyptic sex violence story that’s looking long form.

At some point though I’m going to have to get back into the writing routine, churning out stories & self-publishing them, (The erotica shorts I think) and sending queries for the novel while working on Book III. I don’t have any job prospects on the horizon, nor do i have any income for next month’s bills. Since I just did a hat in my hand fundraiser for my wife’s family emergency I can’t do that again the very next month. My friends generosity is not boundless, nor should I rely on them for monthly income. That is it’s own problem, for another blog entry.